Aromatherapy has been widely used for centuries as a way to relieve a variety of symptoms, along with boosting overall mood. Eucalyptus essential oil has powerful health benefits that when combined with warm shower steam, create a spa-like, healing experience every single time you shower.
This long-lasting and inexpensive plant provides a wide variety of health benefits, along with adding a pop of green and lovely fragrance to your bathroom. In this blog, I explain the benefits of hanging eucalyptus in your shower, how to hang it correctly, and more.
What is Eucalyptus?
Eucalyptus is an evergreen tree from the Myrtaceae family. It is native to Australia but cultivated worldwide. There are over 400 different known species of this plant but Eucalyptus Globulus (also known as Blue Gum) is the most commonly used globally. Eucalyptus has been used medicinally for thousands of years in Chinese, Indian Ayurvedic, Greek, and other European cultures.
Benefits of Taking a Eucalyptus Shower
Eucalyptus leaves contain tannins, which have anti-inflammatory properties. They also contain flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties. [1] Eucalyptus oil reacts with mucus membranes by reducing the amount of mucus produced and loosening the already existing mucus so that it’s easier to cough up. It also has antimicrobial, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties. [2] This helps with respiratory problems, headaches, colds as well as providing significant pain relief. [3]
Eucalyptus aromatherapy also promotes relaxation and deep breathing. This can help with stress and anxiety [4]. This incredible plant stimulates the immune system while providing immense healing benefits.
How to Hang Eucalyptus in your Shower
Maintaining this wellness habit is a lot easier than you think! First, purchase a bundle of Eucalyptus (I always get mine from Trader Joes for $5). After lots of research and through my own trial and error, I’ve found that there are a couple of different ways you can hang your plant, depending on your shower head. You can remove some of the leaves at the end of the stems in order to tie them together easier but I personally don’t find this step completely necessary. Always make sure that the eucalyptus leaves are completely out of the way of direct water.
Method #1: Tie the ends of the stems together, then hang from underneath the shower head.
Method #2: Split a bushel of eucalyptus is half and tie the ends of the stems together so that it resembles a “v”. Place it above the shower head.
Method #3: Add 10 drops of therapeutic-grade eucalyptus essential oil on a washcloth and hang anywhere in your shower that’s out of the direct path of water.
How Long Will it Last?
Eucalyptus can last in your shower anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months. Keep it out of direct water to prolong freshness.

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