If you’re traveling for the holidays, this blog post is for you. Undoubtedly, there are changes to our daily routines during the holidays- especially if you’re traveling. Even those who are the most committed to maintaining their wellness habits might find themselves feeling a bit ungrounded during this time. In this blog, I share what to focus on/prioritize to have the most high-vibe holiday possible. Safe and healthy travels!

Eat Nourishing Food
Eat well to feel well. To enjoy your holiday to the fullest, nourish your body. Not to be interpreted as stressing during your entire visit and passing on all your favorite dishes- but to find a balance.

Find Time for Quiet
The holidays can seem so fast-paced so finding moments of stillness is essential. Maybe this looks like listening to a guided meditation when you first wake up or going on a walk by yourself. Intentionally make time for quiet.

Sweat + Stretch
Your movement will look different during this time, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect it completely. Look into gyms/yoga studios in the area you’re visiting. Many offer discounts/deals for out of town visitors. If anything, go on walks or do at home workouts.

Prioritize Wellness Habits
Which of your wellness habits have the most significant impact on you overall? Make those a priority during this time. If you oil pull every morning, pack a little coconut oil with you or buy some at your destination. If you usually drink lemon water, you can continue to do this on your holiday as well. Make a conscious choice before traveling to commit to specific wellness habits.

Stay Present
Staying present can be harder said than done during this time, but setting an intention beforehand can help. When you laugh, really laugh. When you taste food, savor every bite. Do your best to keep everyday worries from drawing your attention elsewhere.