Affirmations have the ability to change your life. They rewire your mind to help you become the best version of yourself. I’ve noticed my thought patterns have really changed since using affirmations every day. In this blog, I share my favorite affirmations for manifesting self love and confidence.
what are affirmations?
Affirmations are powerful, positive statements. When used with intention, they have the ability to reconstruct thought patterns. Repeating affirmations can help overcome self-sabotaging and negative thinking.
The power that our thoughts have on our reality is a lot more significant than most people realize. What we think about physically manifests through our actions. For example, someone struggling with their self worth might speak negatively to themselves. Without even realizing it, this person is self-sabotaging and are attracting even more of what they’re trying to escape. Every word we speak influences the energy around us.
If you want to be the type of person who feels good about themselves, then visualize how this version of yourself would think, feel, and act. They more than likely compliment themselves and speak to themselves gently and kindly. So how can this ever become your reality if you’re not embodying the person you need to be for it to happen? Express gratitude instead of coming from a place of lack. Affirmations allow us to consciously control our thoughts and use them to manifest what we really want in life.
how to use affirmations
Find a few affirmations that align with you. Write them down, speak them out loud, and think about them often. Especially when old, negative thought patterns arise. Get creative with it! Write it down on a post-it note and stick it somewhere you’ll see it often. Stand in front of a mirror and look into your eyes while saying them out loud. Say them while you visualize your highest self and dream life. Don’t forget to check out my other affirmation blogs for manifesting your highest potential, abundance, and self love.
I am enough
I add value to the world
I am becoming the best version of myself
I accept myself
I am unaffected by the judgement of others
I am loved
I am beautiful
I cannot be replaced
I have the power to change my own story
I am magical
It’s empowering to be me
I am evolving everyday
I deserve the best
I honor myself
I am in competition with no one
I am worthy of love
I love my body and all it does for me
I am powerful
I only speak kindly to myself
I am fearless
I can make my dream life a reality
I am confident
I believe in me
I am more than my body
It is safe for me to be my authentic self
I attract love
I have the courage to be seen
I am safe
My voice is valuable and my opinion matters
I rise above my insecurites
I deserve good things
I am creative and inspiring
My body is a precious gift
I can do hard things
I am radiant
I am strong
I am not my fears
I am whole
I invest in myself everyday
I deserve to take up space
I am vibrant
I am resilient
I am successful
I release the past and live only in the present
I am smart
I live my life authentically
I am courageous
I appreciate myself
I matter
My body is beautiful
I am perfect just the way I am
I belong here
I move through life knowing I am safe
I invest my time and energy where it feels right for me
I am worthy of a great life
My feelings are valid
I am free to be me
I am grateful to be uniquely me
I am in love with myself
I am respected
My body is sacred and I will take care of it
I deserve to be happy
I believe in myself
I am worthy of relationships that are loving, genuine, and nourishing
I am full of gratitude
My mental health is my number one priority
I forgive myself for not loving myself in the past
I release all doubts and insecurites about myself
I celebrate all of my wins- no matter how big or small
My body is a temple
I am unstoppable
I am brave
I am meant for more
I am important
I radiate self love and confidence
I am grounded
Everything I did today was enough
I am wise
I will love myself today
I deserve to live the life of my dreams
I am proud of who I am
I’m kind to my body
I care about myself
I release anything that doesn’t support my highest good
I am the source of my own happiness
I am doing the best I can with the tools available to me
I am powerful
I have the power to change
I am worthy of the compliments I receive
I am light
I value my time
I take failures as learning experienes
I live life of my own terms
I am happy with who I am as a person
I trust myself
I am lovable because I exist
I am able to say no when I need to
I eat food that makes me feel good
My happiness is up to me
Anything that doesn’t align with my highest good must go
I love what my body is capable of doing
I am safe and in control
I give myself the love and patience that I give to others
I am healing more everyday
I am gentle with myself
I have unlimited potential
Everyday I emobdy the best version of myself
I am capapable
I am not my thoughts
I am thankful to be alive
I am deeply loved by the universe
I have a lot to offer the world
I believe in my dreams
My gifts are needed in this world