Affirmations for Manifesting Success

Affirmations have the ability to rewire your mind. By repeatedly linking empowering statements with uplifting emotions, you can change your thoughts and beliefs on a deep, subconscious level.

I’ve noticed my own thought patterns change significantly since incorporating the use of affirmations into my daily habits so I wanted to share this life changing tool with you. In this blog, I share 50+ of my favorite affirmations for manifesting success.

what are affirmations?

Affirmations are powerful, positive statements. When used with intention, they have the ability to reconstruct thought patterns. Repeating affirmations can help overcome self-sabotaging and negative thinking. 

The power that our thoughts have on our reality is a lot more significant than most people realize. What we think about physically manifests through our actions. For example, someone struggling with their self worth might speak negatively to themselves. Without even realizing it, this person is self-sabotaging and are attracting even more of what they’re trying to escape. Every word we speak influences the energy around us.

If you want to be the type of person who feels good about themselves, then visualize how this version of yourself would think, feel, and act. They more than likely compliment themselves and speak to themselves gently and kindly. So how can this ever become your reality if you’re not embodying the person you need to be for it to happen? Express gratitude instead of coming from a place of lack. Affirmations allow us to consciously control our thoughts and use them to manifest what we really want in life.

how to use affirmations

Find a few affirmations that align with you. Write them down, speak them out loud, and think about them often. Especially when old, negative thought patterns arise. Get creative with it! Write it down on a post-it note and stick it somewhere you’ll see it often. Stand in front of a mirror and look into your eyes while saying them out loud. Say them while you visualize your highest self and dream life. Don’t forget to check out my other affirmation blogs for manifesting your highest potentialabundance, and self love.


My success is inevitable.

I attract success and abundance flows into my life with ease.

I am a magnet for success.

I attract positive opportunities into my life effortlessly.

I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.

I am worthy of success.

I am capable and confident.

Everything works out in my favor.

There is no limit to what I can achieve.

Every challenge is an opportunity to grow and improve, leading me closer to success.

I take consistent action towards my goals.

Success is my natural state.

I have the power to create the life I desire.

I always get what I want.

I am worthy of living the life of my dreams.

I am exactly where I need to be.

I am worthy of my dream career. 

I trust in my abilities to overcome obstacles and setbacks.

I release self doubt.

I am capable to reaching any goal.

I am destined for success.

I am aligned with my purpose and my passion.

I am successful at everything I do.

Everything I want flows to me in perfect, divine timing.

Everywhere I go, I prosper.

I am grateful for another day to manifest my dreams.

I release all doubt and trust in the process of creating my dream life.

Everything is working out for my highest good.

I am aligned with my highest potential.

I am consistently attracting prosperity into my life.

Success comes easy to me.

My dream clients are finding me everyday.

The world needs what I have to offer.

My thoughts, ideas, and actions lead me straight to success.

My service is a gift to the world and I feel compeled to share it.

I am powerful.

I focus on progress.

I am consistent and it shows in my results.

I am grateful for a new day and new opportunities.

Everything I want, wants me more.

I am capable.

The universe supports me and wants to give me what I want.

I am grateful for all that I have and will accomplish.

I attract opportunities that align with my dreams.

I visualize my success and take the steps achieve it.

My inner vision is clear and focused.

I show up unapologetically.

I invest in myself.

I trust my intuition and allow the universe to guide me.

I love working for myself.

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