Affirmations have the ability to rewire your mind. By repeatedly linking empowering statements with uplifting emotions, you can change your thoughts and beliefs on a deep, subconscious level.
I’ve noticed my own thought patterns change significantly since incorporating the use of affirmations into my daily habits so I wanted to share this life changing tool with you. In this blog, I share 60+ of my favorite affirmations for health and wellness.
What are Affirmations?
Affirmations are powerful, positive statements. When used with intention, they have the ability to reconstruct thought patterns. Repeating affirmations can help overcome self-sabotaging and negative thinking.
The power that our thoughts have on our reality is a lot more significant than most people realize. What we think about physically manifests through our actions. For example, someone struggling with their self worth might speak negatively to themselves. Without even realizing it, this person is self-sabotaging and are attracting even more of what they’re trying to escape. Every word we speak influences the energy around us.
If you want to be the type of person who feels good about themselves, then visualize how this version of yourself would think, feel, and act. They more than likely compliment themselves and speak to themselves gently and kindly. So how can this ever become your reality if you’re not embodying the person you need to be for it to happen? Express gratitude instead of coming from a place of lack. Affirmations allow us to consciously control our thoughts and use them to manifest what we really want in life.
How to Use Affirmations
Find a few affirmations that align with you. Write them down, speak them out loud, and think about them often. Especially when old, negative thought patterns arise. Get creative with it! Write it down on a post-it note and stick it somewhere you’ll see it often. Stand in front of a mirror and look into your eyes while saying them out loud. Say them while you visualize your highest self and dream life. Don’t forget to check out my other affirmation blogs for manifesting your highest potential, abundance, and self love.
I nourish my body with healthy choices.
I deserve to feel healthy and vibrant.
My body, mind, and soul work together efficiently to keep me healthy.
Every cell in my body is thriving.
My body heals quickly and easily.
I am grateful for my health, strength, and vitality.
My body is the most precious gift.
I am a magnet for health.
I exercise as self love for my body.
I am well, strong, and thriving.
My body is sacred and I will take care of it.
Healthy, vibrant energy flows through my body.
I enjoy existing in a natural state of well being.
I send love and healing to every organ of my body.
I pay attention and listen to what my body needs for health and vitality.
I choose healing for my mind, body and spirit everyday.
My immune system is strong.
I respect my body.
My body knows what it needs.
My lungs are strong and full of breath.
Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and health.
My immune system is resilient.
My body is capable of healing.
Good health is my divine right.
I care for my body and honor its needs.
I am worthy of vibrant health.
I attract healing energy into my life.
Every breath I take fills me with rejuvenating energy.
I am gentle and patient with myself as I navigate my health journey.
I nourish my body with nutritious food.
My thoughts are kind and compassionate towards my body.
I affirm my body’s healthy and vitality.
I am grateful for the strength and resilience my body posesses.
Every day I grow stronger and healthier.
I engage in actions that nourish and care for my body’s well-being.
I am connected to the abundant healing energy within me and around me.
I am active and alive.
I attract experiences and people that contribute positively to my health and well-being.
Today I choose actions that support and nourish my body’s vitality.
I send love and healing to every organ in my body.
It feels good to take care of myself.
Wellness is the natural state of my body.
I engage in actions that nourish and care for my body’s well-being.
Everything I say think and do makes me healthier.
Resting my body is my birthright.
I deserve to live a long, healthy life.
I have faith in my healing.
My body is full of energy.
I cherish my body and my life.
I eat healthy to honor my body.
I get healthier every day.
I trust my body.
I send love to every cell in my body.
I am in charge of my health.
I will advocate for my health.
My health is a gift and I am grateful.
I am the expert when it comes to my health and my body.
I am in awe of all things my body can do.
My body deserves to move in a positive and joyful way.
My body systems functions perfectly.
I appreciate every cell in my body.
I am surrounded by people who encourage and support healthy choices.
I am grateful for all that my body does.
I trust in the healing process and surrender to its wisdom.
I am radiant.
My body is a reflection of my positive thoughts and actions.