Affirmations are life-changing. They have the power to rewire your mind and help you to become the best version of yourself. I use affirmations every day, and they have really changed my way of thinking. In this blog, I share my favorite affirmations for manifesting abundance.
what are affirmations?
Affirmations are powerful, positive statements. When used with intention, they have the ability to reconstruct thought patterns. Repeating affirmations can help overcome self-sabotaging and negative thinking.
The power that our thoughts have on our reality is a lot more significant than most people realize. What we think about physically manifests through our actions. For example, someone struggling with their self worth might speak negatively to themselves. Without even realizing it, this person is self-sabotaging and are attracting even more of what they’re trying to escape. Every word we speak influences the energy around us.
If you want to be the type of person who feels good about themselves, then visualize how this version of yourself would think, feel, and act. They more than likely compliment themselves and speak to themselves gently and kindly. So how can this ever become your reality if you’re not embodying the person you need to be for it to happen? Express gratitude instead of coming from a place of lack. Affirmations allow us to consciously control our thoughts and use them to manifest what we really want in life.
how to use affirmations
Find a few affirmations that align with you. Write them down, speak them out loud, and think about them often. Especially when old, negative thought patterns arise. Get creative with it! Write it down on a post-it note and stick it somewhere you’ll see it often. Stand in front of a mirror and look into your eyes while saying them out loud. Say them while you visualize your highest self and dream life. Don’t forget to check out my other affirmation blogs for manifesting your highest potential, abundance, and self love.
My actions create prosperity.
My income has unlimited potential.
The more I give, the more I receive.
The financial abundance and financial security I seek is also seeking me.
Money flows easily to me.
I deserve to be paid for my skills, time, and knowledge.
I am wealthy and living on my own terms.
What I spend and give comes back to me tenfold.
Life loves me and contributes to me constantly.
Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
I attract success, and abundance flows into my life with ease.
Money chases me.
I allow money to flow to me in positive and unexpected ways.
I experience wealth as a key part of my life.
It’s easy and natural for me to be prosperous and successful.
Abundance is coming. I deserve and accept it.
I am always discovering new sources of income.
I am open to receiving all wealth brings me.
I naturally attract good fortune.
I am financially free.
My income increases constantly.
My job/business allows me to live the life I desire.
I am connected to the universal supply of money.
I am grateful for the abundance that I have, and the abundance on its way.
I give myself permission to prosper and grow.
I have the power to create the success and build the wealth I desire.
My success is inevitable and I am always on the right path.
I am in harmony with the energy of money.
Money always finds its way to me.
The more money I spend, the more money I have and receive.
I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.
I am where the money resides.
I get rich doing what I love.
I welcome unlimited income and wealth in my life.
Money is abundant to me.
I have a wealthy mindset.
The money I make will expand opportunities in my life.
I am grateful for everything I have.
I have the power to attract wealth and money into my life.
I am attracting money at this very moment.
I constantly attract opportunities that create more money.
Wealth constantly flows into my life.
I use money to improve my life.
I use money to improve the lives of others.
I attract money beyond my wildest dreams.
I am the master of my wealth.
I am able to handle large sums of money.
Money creates a positive impact on my life and the lives of others.
I am at peace with having a lot of money.
I deserve abundance and prosperity.
I attract enough passive income to pay for the lifestyle I want.
The more I focus on joy, the more money I make.
My capacity to hold and grow money expands every day.
I am happy to pay my bills for all that they provide me.
I love money, and money loves me.
I enjoy managing and investing money.
I attract money to give to others.
Money is energy and it flows into my life constantly.
I let go of all my limiting beliefs around money.
My net worth is increasing.
Money loves me.
My finances improves beyond anything I could ever imagine.
Every day I choose money and wealth.
Money is abundant and I attract it naturally.
I am worthy of a wealthy life.
I love my abundant and positive life.
I thank the universe for the money that flows to me.
I radiate prosperity, money, and wealth.
Money is pouring into my life.
I release everything blocking my money at this moment.
Money is unlimited and my prosperity is unlimited.
The more fun I have, the more money I make.
Abundance is everywhere around me.
My wealth comes from being honest and true in everything I do.
I am a money magnet.
I will always have everything I need. The universe takes excellent care of me.
My mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance.
I live my life in an abundance of money.
My income is constantly increasing.
There are no limits to the money I can make.
Thank you, Universe, for providing me with all the money and wealth I need.
I take every great opportunity that comes my way.
If others can be wealthy, so can I.
All the resources I need are within me.
I am abundant, rich, wealthy, deserving, and worthy.
Abundance is all around me in everything I do.