Did you know that using air fresheners can be as harmful to our health as second hand smoke? Studies like this one have inspired many people to begin reducing toxins and shifting towards a more natural lifestyle.
If living a less toxic life is one of your goals for the new year, then you’re in luck! In this blog, I share 8 ways to reduce toxins that you can begin implementing into your life immediately.
8 Ways to Reduce Toxins
- Ditch perfume – Avoid spraying toxic perfume/cologne, which may contain fragrance and other harmful ingredients. Instead, create natural perfume rollers and body spray DIYS using high-quality essential oils.
- Switch to low-tox cleaning products – Conventional cleaning products are one of the biggest exposures to toxic chemicals in the home. Using cleaning products that contain natural ingredients is an easy, equally-as-effective, swap.
- Open your windows – One of the simplest ways to reduce your intake of toxins is by letting fresh air circulate through out your home, at least once a day.
- Avoid BPA – Bisphenol A, also known as BPA, is a toxic compound commonly used in plastics since the 1950’s. It has negative impacts on the brain, cardiovascular system, and other parts of the body. Use BPA-free products and avoid heating up plastic containers.
- Eat less processed – Opt for fresh, whole foods instead of packaged, processed meals to avoid added chemicals such as BPA, sodium nitrate, dyes, trans fats, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives.
- Use low-tox personal care products – Switch and ditch toxic personal care products like shampoo, sun screen, deodorant, toothpaste, lotion, nail polish, etc. Anything that can be absorbed through your skin will end up in your blood stream.
- Avoid candles and air fresheners – Ever wonder why you get a slight headache after inhaling artificial fragrance? Carcinogens are released into the air and wreak havoc on our bodies. Diffuse yummy, essential oil blends instead and use unscented, organic soy candles for ambience.
- Drink filtered water – Filtering your water removes impurities and contaminants like chlorine, mercury, and lead.

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